Presentation 26 years old lady presented in August 2010 with complaints of lower abdominal pain off and on for 1 year. She also had H/o 2-3 kg weight loss in three months. There was no h/o loss of appetite, no h/o bleeding P/R, No h/o altered bowel habit CECT scan abdomen showed large polypoidal mass in ileoceacal region. She underwent Right hemicolectomy in August 2010. H/P examination revealed Moderately differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma pT3N1Mx Tumor was reaching up to serosa, LN mets present (7/13) Proximal & distal resection margin was free from tumor. After this the patient received chemotherapy from September 2010 to march 2011 During follow up of 26 months patient was normal clinically. PET-CECT scan done 6 monthly and serum-CEA done 3 months interval s was normal. During follow up September 2012 serum-CEA rose to 8.6 . PET-CECT scan, UGI endoscopy, Col...