
Showing posts from December, 2012

A Large Phaeochromacytoma presenting as a retroperitoneal mass

A 54 year old male patient presented to us with   complaints of abdominal swelling since 1 month. CECT showed a large mass abutting the tail of the pancreas. We planned to operate him with a suspicion of mesenchymal, retroperitoneal mass. At operation, a large mass was found below the mesocolon in the retroperitoneal area and patient’s hemodynamic parameters also showed fluctuations intraoperatively. The tumor was excised completely although it was very close to aorta, D-J flexure, pancreas, spleen and left kidney. The tumour was approximately 20 cm in diameter. Patient tolerated the procedure well. On pathological examination, the mass was found to be a phaeochromocytoma. Postoperative period was uneventful and the patient was discharged on 7th postoperative day. He will be investigated further during follow up. Submitted by Dr Sudipto/Dr Qaleem on 6/12/2012